Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Painting your canvas- tips to picking the right colors

There are numerous times when the world of makeup and fashion share similar (if not the same) boundaries; colors are a prime example. Before we go any further I want to make one thing clear - you can wear any color and look good in it - yea you heard me! When we talk about picking our "right colors" we really are talking more about tones. Just like there is a red lipstick out there for every skin tone there is also a "red" top (or a shade in the same family) for every shape, skintone, and size. Below is a reference chart that is easy to follow and a great general guideline. I use it for our clients in store all the time to help find what shade best enhances those gorgeous features :-) 
- Going back to the makeup  "cross over rules" mentioned earlier I'd like to include the following - if you're going to go bold choose one piece and make the rest of the outfit compliment it- just like you wouldn't do bold lips, heavy eyes, and intense cheeks all at once- you don't want bold from head to toe because then the effect and drama and POP is turned into a "whoaaaa don't look directly at her you'll go blind!" 
Color is beautiful and I truly believe it is essential to every wardrobe while those universal blacks/greys and denims are great don't forget to add your spark after all we are butterflies ladies not moths ;-) (the above picture is one of What A Girl Wants! Spring pieces 124 York Ave Weatherford,Tx 76086

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Debut- first impressions matter

Well hey y'all! I am so excited about this blog because it involves two of my most favorite things - giving my opinion and fashion! My name is Amber I'm a 25 year old wife and mother of one 10month old lil'diva. I'm a partner in a trendy boutique located just steps off the historic Weatherford Square in Weatherford,Tx and decided to offer my knowledge on the latest trends in women's fashion so that after you purchase your treasures from "What A Girl Wants!" You can wear them like you're working that runway! In a world where orange becomes the new pink in 5minutes it is hard to keep up sometimes and once you do manage to catch on to the latest trend comes the hardest part of all ....trying to figure out how to integrate these trends and "it" items into "real world " main stream fashion without looking like Lady Gaga of the office. Have no fear I am here! To tell you how to rock that floral print no matter your size or shape and come out looking like a rose rather then grandmas couch ;-) I will also be including tips and tricks time and money savers and a TON more all in the name of fashion. I do come with a warning label I should add I'm a southern sass who loves sarcasm, bling, and animal print ;-) so cheers to fashion and laughs! Nice to meet ya! Y'all come back now ya here ;-)

What a hoot-The Owl trend

Form- prints, embellishments, jewelry and accessories
Cost- this is an affordable trend

I don't give a "hoot" "whoooo" ya are this is a versatile trend for all ages and fashion styles. The owl is a trend hard to miss it seems their buggy little eyes can be found everywhere on everything. I personally love this trend in small doses! While we do carry statement and whimsical accessories like the above. I would caution not to wear too many owls at once for example while a long necklace with an embellished owl paired with matching studd earrings OR owl ring OR dangle owl charm bracelet would be a fashion hit wearing all these pieces at once would be a miss and leave you looking like a bird perch. Also the owl print tights I'm gonna have to say no to! I've yet to see them worn in a non creepy way! - owls on ears and purses good owls on buttocks BAD!

I love the vintage feel these fierce creatures wise and omniscient, project. When I see one it automatically reminds me of an awesome thrift shop find or some treasure found in an old box in the attic. In keeping with that feel I suppose that the owl trend is really a two for one mixing the vintage trend within itself. Def a must have piece for any fashionista! 
Style on my peachy friends!!