Monday, February 18, 2013

What a hoot-The Owl trend

Form- prints, embellishments, jewelry and accessories
Cost- this is an affordable trend

I don't give a "hoot" "whoooo" ya are this is a versatile trend for all ages and fashion styles. The owl is a trend hard to miss it seems their buggy little eyes can be found everywhere on everything. I personally love this trend in small doses! While we do carry statement and whimsical accessories like the above. I would caution not to wear too many owls at once for example while a long necklace with an embellished owl paired with matching studd earrings OR owl ring OR dangle owl charm bracelet would be a fashion hit wearing all these pieces at once would be a miss and leave you looking like a bird perch. Also the owl print tights I'm gonna have to say no to! I've yet to see them worn in a non creepy way! - owls on ears and purses good owls on buttocks BAD!

I love the vintage feel these fierce creatures wise and omniscient, project. When I see one it automatically reminds me of an awesome thrift shop find or some treasure found in an old box in the attic. In keeping with that feel I suppose that the owl trend is really a two for one mixing the vintage trend within itself. Def a must have piece for any fashionista! 
Style on my peachy friends!!

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